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Looking to apply to SF State for Spring 2025? Join our Cal State Apply Workshop! We can help you with the application process and answer your questions. Join us to learn about what SF State has to offer and how you can submit your application today.

Workshop Dates:

  • Thursday, August 1 @ 1pm-3pm - General
  • Tuesday, August 13 @ 5:30pm - 7:30pm - International Students
  • Wednesday, August 21 @ 5:30pm-7:30pm - En Español
  • Friday, August 30 @ 1pm-3pm - General
  • Thursday, September 5 @ 1pm-3pm - Veterans
  • Tuesday, September 10 @ 5:30pm-7:30pm - Black Unity Center
  • Thursday, September 26 @ 5:30pm-7:30pm - General

During this interactive workshop, you will learn:

  • How to navigate the Cal State Apply portal
  • What information you will need to complete your application for admissions
  • Areas that you need to pay attention to when completing your application
  • Assistance in understand the admission and application process
  • And more!

Remember, the priority deadline to submit your application for Spring 2025 is August 31. We hope to see you at the workshop!

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